Alexandra Music Hall
Built as a music hall adjoining the Old Spa Vaults. It has one of the more interesting façades in Aberdeen Walk consisting of five tall arched windows, grouped 1-3 -1 at first and second floor level. Above this is a low attic storey with five square windows, now blocked up. The ground floor has been heavily altered with modern shop fronts inserted. The entrance ‘a wide and ornate staircase’ was originally on the left of the front but this has now been converted into a shop.
The auditorium at first and second floor levels is flat floored with a horseshoe balcony supported on six to eight cast iron columns. The balcony front is formed from delicate open cast iron panels. The balcony consists of eight rows at the rear and three rows down each side. The ceiling, now badly damaged, contains a small but deep central saucer dome and two stained glass laylights. A deep cornice runs down all four sides of the room. The stage was no more than a raised platform - no trace of it remains. There are plain decorative arches down each side - the whole space has a feel of Wilton’s Music Hall of the same period. A false ceiling has been inserted at balcony level.
After an application for demolition early in 1998 the building was spot listed Grade II and a further application in September resulted in consent to demolish being granted apart from the façade which will be incorporated into new shops.
- 1858 - 1880
Further details
- 1858 Design/Construction:Unknown- Architect
- 1858 - 1880 Use:
- ListingIICommentSpot listed Feb 1998