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Exterior of the former Playhouse, Brighton, 2001


Colour photograph showing the façade, sidewall and roof of the former Playhouse in Brighton. Taken from across Sudeley Street, it shows a converted chapel on a corner site, with the sloping roof and sidewall dominating the photograph and the façade to the left. There were originally six high arched windows down the side of the corner site, the remnants of which remain. They have since been shortened to accommodate alternative entrances to the building, which has been turned into four flats by property developers. The façade’s entrance sits within a projected surround with smaller arched windows either side, and a range of windows at first floor level. There is a superimposed projection box at second floor level, built well into the eaves of the sloping tiled roof.

Image title
Exterior of the former Playhouse, Brighton, 2001
Depicted theatre
Depiction dateNovember 2001
Mr Ian Grundy