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Remarkable for its well-preserved auditorium which has the appearance of a mid nineteenth century music hall, although built much later. Neither past cinema or present museum use have damaged its character. This is at first floor level with shops below and would have a capacity today of approximately 800. Slightly raked main floor with iron columns supporting two shallow balconies - semi-circular at the rear and extending with straight arms of three rows along the side walls to meet a simply-framed, elliptically-arched proscenium. The balconies have elaborately fretted cast-iron balustrades with Art Nouveau-inspired decoration. Plain, flat ceiling subdivided by thin plaster ribs running between cast iron roses. Small music hall stage and low grid. Exuberant façade to Terrace Road which, although vulgar, is stylistically more of its time than the auditorium. Three-bay, gabled centre with two unequal levels of windows above the altered ground floor, divided by debased Ionic pillasters. Symmetrical flanking bays with semi-circular oriels boldly projecting at first floor level and surmounted above the cornice, by cupolas.

Built / Converted
Dates of use
  • 1905
Current state
Current use
Converted to other use (Museum
Used 1932-76 as a cinema)
Terrace Road, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales
Further details
Other names
Philips’ Coliseum
  • Owner/Management: Ceredigion District Council, owners
  • 1905 Design/Construction:
    Arthur Jones
    - Architect
  • 1905 Use:
  • 1932 - 1976 Owner/Management: Messrs Gale (as cinema)
  • 1977 Owner/Management: Ceredigion Council took possession of lease with a view to conversion to a museum
  • Capacity
    1400 approx
  • Listing
Stage type
Pros Flat
Building dimensions: -
Stage dimensions: Depth: Variable (see assessment) Width SL: 7.61m (25ft) SR: 7.61m (25ft)
Proscenium width: 7.15m (23ft 6in)
Height to grid: -
Inside proscenium: -
Orchestra pit: -