Opened as a music hall, but was soon operating as a picture palace. The theatre entrance was through a central pavilion originally surmounted by a square dome. Flanking shops with straight gables and mullioned windows.
It is difficult without further detailed examination with adequate lighting to describe what remains of the interior of this building in useful detail.
The stalls appear to have been at first floor level with the stage at the façade end, above the shops in Ashton Road and abutting the present Al-hambra restaurant, which is also said to have theatre remains, presumably of the former dressing rooms and fly tower. The auditorium, which is fan shaped, had a balcony (the plaster ornamented front of which survives) of fourteen rows with a box at each side, sharply angled away from the proscenium. In the ceiling there are what appear to be the remains of a late gas sunburner.
The auditorium was finally used as a club, when all the surfaces were painted out in black. It is now used as a store for timber doors and, below, as a glass works.
- 1908 - 1914
Further details
- 1908 Owner/Management: Until when not known. H D Morehouse Circuit, owners
- 1908 Design/Construction:H A Turner- Architect
- 1908 - 1914 Use:
- ListingNot listed