Goldsmith's College - George Wood Theatre
This conversion of a chapel to theatre has provided the Drama Department with a very usable space with tiered seating around a proscenium arch stage, and a thrust stage which can be lowered hydraulically to floor level.
The stage has a permanent cyclorama and an old hemp and winch flying system, but flying out height is only approximately 3m above grid height and the lighting grid, installed in the 1980s, blocks half the flylines.
The theatre was renamed in memory of the college's registrar, George Wood, who served the college well from 1958-77.
Built / Converted
Dates of use
Current state
Current use
Theatre (college theatre)
Goldsmith's College, University of London, London, Lewisham, SE14 6NW, England
Further details
Other names
- Design/Construction: as chapel (date and architect unknown).
- 1964 Design/Construction: conversion to theatreLawrence Hayes- ConsultantEnthoven & Mock- Architect
- 1985 Alteration: lighting grid installed (architect unknown).
- 1993 Alteration: chapel roof reinforced (architect unknown).
- CapacityCurrentDescription160-200
- ListingNot listed
Stage type
proscenium, apron forestage raised with hydraulic lift
Building dimensions: -
Stage dimensions: 9 x 9m, thrust 4.4 x 8m
Proscenium width: -
Height to grid: -
Inside proscenium: -
Orchestra pit: -