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The Ritz


Opened in 1868 as St George’s Hall, essentially a concert hall with two levels of seating. Enlarged 1886 to become the St George’s Hall and Theatre and rebuilt as a theatre in 1902. Remaining in theatrical use until 1930. Again rebuilt in 1935, in enlarged form, as a cinema. Tripled in 1974. All that remains of the former theatre buildings are a section of wall of the 1860s on the right flank and the former front of 1902, now at the rear and of little interest. The latter is in two storeys, originally described as ‘in Jacobean style’, brick and terra cotta in three main bays, each of three small arched windows at first floor level. It was operated for a number of years by the Robins cinema chain but closed at the end of 1999. In June 2014 it reopened as The Ritz, with a restaurant downstairs and venue room upstairs, accessed from George St. The cinema’s Art Deco features have been restored where possible.

Built / Converted
Dates of use
  • 1887 - 1930: Multi purpose hall, some theatre
  • 1935 - 1999: Cinema
  • 2014 : Restaurant and events venue, continuing
Current state
Current use
George Street, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, England
Further details
Other names
New Theatre & Opera House (Hippodrome) , The Hippodrome (only for variety dates) , St George’s Hall , St George’s Hall & Theatre , Opera House , Opera House & Hippodrome , Ritz , Gaumont , Odeon
  • 1867 Design/Construction: Nicholl & Goodwin (Birmingham)
    - Architect
  • 1885 - 1886 Owner/Management: Fred Brown, lessee
  • 1886 Owner/Management: H T Brickwell, manager
  • 1886 Owner/Management: F Walton, proprietor or lessee
  • 1887 Design/Construction:
    - Consultant
    interior decoration
  • 1887 - 1930 Use: Multi purpose hall, some theatre
  • 1888 Alteration: enlarged theatre; new stage; new scenery (by T H Hall of Birmingham Royal)
    - Architect
  • 1888 - 1889 Owner/Management: J Wood, general manager
  • 1889 Owner/Management: W J Drewery, proprietor or lessee
  • 1898 - 1899 Owner/Management: J Wood & W Payne Seddon, lessees
  • 1902 Owner/Management: L A Long, manager
  • 1902 Alteration: Nicholl and Goodman (formerly attrib. E Forshaw), rebuilt
    - Architect
  • 1902 Owner/Management: W Harry, manager
  • 1903 Owner/Management: A E Boddy
  • 1903 - 1907 Owner/Management: John Waller, manager
  • 1906 Alteration: converted to music hall
    - Architect
  • 1934 Owner/Management: Burton Picturedrome Ltd, propietors
  • 1935 Alteration: rebuilt as a cinema; building turned round 180 degrees; new entrance in Guild Street
    Thomas Jenkins and John Fairweather (Glasgow)
    - Architect
  • 1935 - 1999 Use: Cinema
  • 1955 Owner/Management: CMA
  • 1974 Alteration: tripled
    - Architect
  • 2014 Use: Restaurant and events venue, continuing
  • Capacity
  • Capacity
    1902: 1500
    1912: 1250
    1935: 1500
    1955: 1355
  • Listing
    Not listed
Stage type
Building dimensions: 1867 Interior 68ft x 47ft floor to apex
Stage dimensions: Depth 1887: 32ft, 1902: 30ft to 45ft Width SL: 1888: 23ft 6in; 1902: 25ft-30ft SR: 1887: 23ft 6in; 1902: 25ft-30ft
Proscenium width: 1888: 24ft; 1902: 30ft; 1935: 48ft; Present 27ft
Height to grid: 1902: 52ft; now 50ft
Inside proscenium: -
Orchestra pit: -